Thursday, July 3, 2008

SD Cards

Info from following URLs:

For starters, let's assume our SD Card is named "Kingston". According to the Asus manual, you can access it in the File Manager via My Home -> Kingston. You will then see a folder named "partition1" where its contents are.

In my case, however, it's different. There is a permanent folder under My Home named MMC-SD (a symbolic link in fact). I would need to go into MMC-SD to see the "Kingston" folder. When I open the "Kingston" folder, I will see the contents of the card but no "partition1". A screenshot taken using the Screen Capture utility (Work tab -> Accessories) is shown below:

In the 1st scenario, store your files inside partition1. In my scenario, the 2nd one, I would store my files in the SD Card folder itself, not MMC-SD, else the files will be on the Eee PC SSD.
    To format an SD Card:
  1. Press Ctrl-Alt-T to open the terminal console.

  2. Unmount the SD Card drive by typing
    "sudo umount /dev/sdb1"

  3. Format it as a MS-DOS FAT32 partition by typing
    "sudo mkdosfs -F 32 -n NAME /dev/sdb1"
    where NAME is the name you want to give to the SD Card.

  4. Type "exit" to close the console window

  5. Remove and insert the SD Card again and see if it appears correctly in MMC-SD

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